做梦自己帮亲戚救火案 Tomorrow is a sunny to become cloudy, the south north wind is 2-3 classes, there is this weather isn't so good,Unwell go out to play 明天是晴转多云,南北风2-3级,有.雪
安徽芜湖2月1日天气预报案 Here's today's wearher report. Today is April 24th,The weather iscloudy turn to fine,。The temperature is minus one hundred to one hundred.haha ,it's a joke ,the real
观察水晶宝宝weather forecasting
达拉特旗前十日天气情况天气[气象] weather
少女时代mr.mr舞蹈教学视频案 日期1、What day is it today? It's Sunday. 今天是星期几? 今天是周日。2、What date is it today? It's 9,10. 今天日期是什么? 今天是9月10号。天气What's the
七个月宝宝晚上半个.时醒一次案 四季 Spring春 Summer夏 Autumn/ Fall 秋 Winter 冬 星期 Monday 星期一 Tuesday星 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日 天气 天气weather 晴天sunshine fine 多