看重名利的星座女案 挺简单,如果看不懂百度hi上给我留邮箱,我给你发gtp。G|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| D|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---------| A|-2-2-2-
卫辉未来二天天气预报应该能,coldplay在演唱会上就用过一个类似木吉他的乐器弹过没找着六线谱,就找 A ASUS4Yeah, they were all Yellow.A EI came along, I wrote a song for you, DSUS4
河南新增感染病例案 原曲是特殊调弦的,顺序是 6-1: E,A,B,G,B,#D 前奏是这样的 Bmaj Badd11 F#6 Emaj7 G#m F#m7add11 D#|----0----|----0----|----0----|----0----|----0----|----1----| B |----0----|----
宝洁洗发水调查报告案 和弦还是 solo?
世界上最重的鸟案 A E Look at the stars , Look how they shine for you, DSUS4 And everything you do, A ASUS4 Yeah, they were all Yellow. A E I came along, I wrote a song for you, DSUS4
1978年6月28是什么星座案 Look at the stars, 2 3 2 3 Look how they shine for you, 2 3 2 3 5 2 And everything you do, 1 2 1 2 5 1 Yeah, they were all Yellow. 1 6 1 1 6 5 I came along, 2 3 2 3 I wrote a song
健身完洗冷水澡有影响yellow lookatthestars仰望天上的星星 lookhowtheyshineforyou看着它们为你绽放光芒 andeverythingyoudo yeah,theywereallyellow而你却如此胆怯.心icamealong跟随着你
冬装女童9岁穿案 http://www.tabsheaven.net/data/11585.gp3